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A fully compliant, typescript first jtd validator.


When it comes to validating json, JSON Schema is by far the widest used, but often it's simpler cousin JSON Type Definition (JTD) is a better alternative.

However, when it comes to validating JTD, there are really only two options: jtd and ajv. Unfortunately, jtd hasn't been updated since 2021, and lacks typescript support, while ajv does have typescript support, but is in maintanence mode.

Inspired by jsontypedef, this library aims to provide three things:

  1. a JTD validator that supports typescript typing.
  2. a typescript native format for concisely and cleanly expressing JTD schemas.
  3. a generic schema interface that also supports fuzzing and exporting of the JTD schema it represents.


npm install jtd-ts

For full usage, see the docs.


  • the native interface does not support recurisve refs
  • "timestamp" will only validate strings not Dates

Native Interface

The native intreface involves calling named functions to construct a schema object:

import { boolean, properties, float64 } from "jtd-ts";

const schema = properties({ bool: boolean() }, { optFloat: float64() });

// guard against unknown objects with `.guard()`
const obj: unknown = // ...
if (schema.guard(obj)) {
obj satisfies { bool: boolean; optFloat?: number };

// create random data that complies with schema with `.fuzz()`
const fuzzed: { bool: boolean; optFloat?: number } = schema.fuzz();

// get a fully typed output schema with `.schema()`
const export: {
properties: { bool: { type: "boolean" } };
optionalProperties: { optFloat: { type: "float64" } };
} = schema.schema();

Compile Interface

However, if you already have a JTD input, you don't need to convert it to a new interface, you can pass it directly to the compile() function which will infer everything from the static type:

import { compile } from "jtd-ts";

const schema = compile({
properties: { bool: { type: "boolean" } },
optionalProperties: { optFloat: { type: "float64" } },

// guard against unknown objects with `.guard()`
const obj: unknown = // ...
if (schema.guard(obj)) {
obj satisfies { bool: boolean; optFloat?: number };

// create random data that complies with schema with `.fuzz()`
const fuzzed: { bool: boolean; optFloat?: number } = schema.fuzz();

Unlike the native interface, this interface also supports circular refs, although typescript doesn't always catch misspellings in refs.


jtd-ts wasn't designed to be particularly fast, and in general, it's not. Compared to ajv, it's about 6x slower for validating a single object. It's also about twice as slow as jtd. However, all of this time is in startup. After compiling the schema, it's actually twice as fast as ajv, meaning for workloads that can afford a slower startup, and make a lot of validation calls, this will win out.

Below are the results of some benchmarks. compile indicates parsing a schema definition, but not validating, this is the start-up cost. validate indicates just validating, this is the marginal cost for validaing another object. Since jtd doesn't compile anything, it's significantly slower here. end-to-end indicates the time to do one full pass, e.g. parsing and validating once. This is the total cost of a single use.

benchmark           time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p999
------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
• compile
------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
jtd-ts          76'930 ns/iter    (61'250 ns … 942 µs) 75'083 ns    146 µs    735 µs
ajv              4'414 ns/iter   (4'303 ns … 4'697 ns)  4'478 ns  4'657 ns  4'697 ns

summary for compile
   17.43x faster than jtd-ts

• validate
------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
jtd-ts           7'175 ns/iter     (6'292 ns … 564 µs)  6'959 ns 10'625 ns 18'917 ns
jtd             48'986 ns/iter    (33'334 ns … 653 µs) 63'333 ns 87'083 ns    579 µs
ajv             12'839 ns/iter   (8'208 ns … 1'088 µs) 12'583 ns 37'500 ns    469 µs

summary for validate
   1.79x faster than ajv
   6.83x faster than jtd

• end-to-end
------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
jtd-ts          82'570 ns/iter    (70'333 ns … 747 µs) 79'583 ns    140 µs    640 µs
jtd             47'567 ns/iter    (33'750 ns … 753 µs) 62'458 ns 79'792 ns    565 µs
ajv (compile)   14'326 ns/iter    (11'042 ns … 623 µs) 14'000 ns 33'458 ns    432 µs
ajv (validate)  15'535 ns/iter    (12'042 ns … 615 µs) 15'208 ns 35'541 ns    446 µs

summary for end-to-end
  ajv (compile)
   1.08x faster than ajv (validate)
   3.32x faster than jtd
   5.76x faster than jtd-ts