
Create and interact with reMarkable cloud.

After getting a device token with the register method, persist it and create api instances using remarkable. Outside of registration, all relevant methods are in RemarkableApi.

A simple rename

import { register, remarkable } from "rmapi-js";

const code = "..." // eight letter code from https://my.remarkable.com/device/browser/connect
const token = await register(code)
// persist token
const api = await remarkable(token);
const [first, ...rest] = api.listfiles();
// rename first file
const api.rename(first.hash, "new name");

A simple upload

import { remarkable } from "rmapi-js";

const api = await remarkable(...);
const entry = await api.putEpub("document name", epubBuffer);
await api.create(entry);

The cloud api is essentially a collection of entries. Each entry has an id, which is a uuid4 and a hash, which indicates it's current state, and changes as the item mutates, where the id is constant. Most mutable operations take the initial hash so that merge conflicts can be resolved. Each entry has a number of properties, but a key is the parent, which represents its parent in the file structure. This will be another document id, or one of two special ids, "" (the empty string) for the root directory, or "trash" for the trash.




Type Aliases
