Function graphStratify

  • create a new Stratify with default settings

    Stratify operators create graphs from data that are in a tabular format, with references to ids of their parents. By default it expects node data to have a string id property and parentIds property with an iterable of parent ids.


    • ...args: never[]

    Returns DefaultStratify

    If you want to use the default operator:

    data = [
    { "id": "Euler" },
    "id": "Lagrange",
    "parentIds": ["Euler"]
    "id": "Fourier",
    "parentIds": ["Lagrange"]
    "id": "Poisson",
    "parentIds": ["Lagrange", "Laplace"]
    "id": "Dirichlet",
    "parentIds": ["Fourier", "Poisson"]
    { "id": "Laplace" }
    ] as const;

    const builder = stratify();
    const grf = builder(data);

    If you want to include custom link data:

    data = [
    { "id": "Euler" },
    "id": "Lagrange",
    "parentData": [["Euler", 1]]
    ] as const;

    const builder = stratify()
    .parentData(({ parentData = [] }) => parentData;
    const grf = builder(data);