Function grid

  • create a new Grid with default settings.

    The grid layout algorithm constructs a horizontally compact topological representation of the dag. The nodes are topologically ordered and then put into lanes such that an edge can travel horizontally to the lane of a child node, and then down without intersecting to that child.

    This layout produces good representations when you want a compressed layout where each node is on an independent horizontal line.

    grid example


    • ...args: never[]

    Returns DefaultGrid

    The current implementation doesn't render multi-dags any differently, so multiple edges going to the same node will be rendered as a single edge.

    using the default layout

    const grf = ...
    const layout = grid();
    const { width, height } = layout(dag);
    for (const node of dag) {
    console.log(node.x, node.y);

    In addition to the standard modifications of Grid#rank, Grid#nodeSize, Grid#gap, and Grid#tweaks, Grid also supports altering the lane assignment Grid#lane:

    const grf = ...
    const layout = grid().lane(laneOpt());
    const { width, height } = layout(dag);
    for (const node of dag) {
    console.log(node.x, node.y);