Interface Decross<NodeDatum, LinkDatum>

a decrossing operator rearranges the nodes in a layer to minimize decrossings.

A decrossing operator takes a array of layered nodes and reorders them. There is no specific requirement on what the final order should be, but for layouts to look good, most decrossing operators should seek to minimize the number of link crossings, among other constraints.

Minimizing the number of link crossings is an NP-Complete problem, so fully minimizing decrossings optimally can be prohibitively expensive, causing javascript to crash or run forever on large dags. In these instances it may be necessary to use an approximate decrossing minimization. You may also have special constraints around the order of nodes that can be expressed with this operator.

A common case might be that you want to use an optimal decrossing method if the layout is small, but use a heuristic if the graph is too large. This can be easily accomplished with a custom decrossing operator.

const opt = decrossOpt();
const heuristic = decrossTwoLayer();

function decrossFallback(layers: SugiNode[][]): void {
try {
} catch {

We illustrate a custom decrossing operator by assuming each node is ordered by an ord value. For dummy nodes (points on longer edges between nodes) we use the average value between the nodes on each end.

function customDecross(layers: SugiNode<{ ord: number }, unknown>[][]): void {
const vals = new Map<SugiNode, number>();
for (const layer of layers) {
for (const node of layer) {
const { data } = node;
const val = data.role === "node" ? ? ( + / 2;
vals.set(node, val);
for (const layer of layers) {
layer.sort((a, b) => vals.get(a)! - vals.get(b)!);

Type Parameters

  • in NodeDatum = never
  • in LinkDatum = never

Hierarchy (View Summary)