Interface Json<NodeDatum, LinkDatum, Ops>

an operator that hydrates serialized json into a graph

Since type information is inherently lost with serialization, use nodeDatum and linkDatum to define node and link data type, and optionally perform extra deserialization.

interface Json<NodeDatum, LinkDatum, Ops extends JsonOps<NodeDatum, LinkDatum>> {
    linkDatum<NL, NewLink extends Hydrator<NL>>(
        val: NewLink & Hydrator<NL>,
    ): Json<NodeDatum, NL, U<Ops, "linkDatum", NewLink>>;
    linkDatum(): Ops["linkDatum"];
    nodeDatum<NN, NewNode extends Hydrator<NN>>(
        val: NewNode & Hydrator<NN>,
    ): Json<NN, LinkDatum, U<Ops, "nodeDatum", NewNode>>;
    nodeDatum(): Ops["nodeDatum"];
    (json: unknown): MutGraph<NodeDatum, LinkDatum>;

Type Parameters

  • NodeDatum

    the node data type of the deserialized graph

  • LinkDatum

    the link data type of the deserialized graph

  • Ops extends JsonOps<NodeDatum, LinkDatum>

    the operators associated with deserialization


  • set custom hydration for node data

    Type Parameters


    Returns Json<NN, LinkDatum, U<Ops, "nodeDatum", NewNode>>

    In the simpliest case, this can be used to cast the data types appropriately (or alternatively you could just cast the Graph itself.

    const grf: Graph<number> = ...
    const builder = graphJson().nodeDatum(data => data as number);
    const deser: MutGraph<number> = builder(JSON.parse(JSON.serialize(grf)));

    Ideally though, you'll use typescripts warnings to make serialization error proof:

    const grf: Graph<number> = ...
    const builder = graphJson().nodeDatum(data => {
    if (typeof data === "number") {
    return data;
    } else {
    throw new Error("...");
    const deser: MutGraph<number> = builder(JSON.parse(JSON.serialize(grf)));
  • get the node data hydrator

    Returns Ops["nodeDatum"]