Interface LayeringTopological<Ops>

a layering that assigns every node a distinct layer

This combined with topological coordinate assignment can be thought of as an alternative to zherebko. The latter generally produces more pleasing layouts, but both are options. This layering is very fast, but it may make other steps take longer due to the many created dummy nodes.

Create with layeringTopological.

Type Parameters


  • Layering<OpsNodeDatum<Ops>, OpsLinkDatum<Ops>>
    • LayeringTopological
  • layer a graph

    After calling this, every node should have a y coordinate that satisfies sep.

    Type Parameters

    • N extends unknown

    • L extends unknown


    • graph: Graph<N, L>

      the graph to layer

    • sep: Separation<N, L>

      the minimum separation between nodes

    Returns number

    height - the height after layering



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