Interface ParentData<NodeDatum, LinkDatum>

The interface for getting the parent ids and link data from the current node data. This must return an array of parent ids coupled with data (i.e. an array of two element arrays of the form ["Parent Id", data]) for the link between this node and the parent id.

This can be modified with the Stratify#parentData method.

Type Parameters

  • in NodeDatum = never
  • out LinkDatum = unknown

Hierarchy (View Summary)

  • get parent ids and link data from a node datum


    • datum: NodeDatum

      the node data to get parent ids from

    • index: number

      the order that the datum was encountered in

    Returns undefined | Iterable<readonly [string, LinkDatum], any, any>

    parentData - the parent ids and link data that correspond to the node datum, undefined is the same as empty